Presidency: ACF Will Support a Northern Candidate in 2027 — Claims Region Under Siege
From Our Correspondent.
The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), a leading socio-cultural group representing the northern region, has announced its intention to support a Northern candidate and others seeking political office in the 2027 general election. This decision is aimed at addressing the challenges facing both the North and the country as a whole.
This information was shared by the National Chairman of the ACF, Mamman Mike Osuman, during the Forum’s National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held at the ACF secretariat in Kaduna on Wednesday. Osuman emphasized that the meeting was convened to assess the dire situation currently faced by the Northern region and urged residents to take responsibility for improving governance through their participation in the upcoming elections.
“There is a clarion call for individual sacrifices and contributions to ensure the survival of our region and the liberation of our marginalized people. Many of our brothers and sisters in the region are already focusing on the 2027 elections, showing their interest in political positions. While politics is crucial in our context, we must also acknowledge the struggles our region is facing and make strategic efforts to alleviate the hardships afflicting our people.
“I understand the concerns being raised. The North is currently under siege. Our region is not only facing relentless attacks from bandits, terrorists, and kidnappers but is also suffering from inequitable treatment and disproportionate considerations compared to other areas.
“Recently, I received an invitation from a new group called the League of Northern Democrats (LND), which included a seven-page document listing 260 names, most of whom are former governors, senators, and notable figures from the North. I must acknowledge that some policies of the current administration are problematic and detrimental to our regional interests.
“The ACF believes we need to critically evaluate the policies and actions of our leaders. I pose the following questions: To what extent are our elected officials demonstrating prudence and concern for our domestic and environmental challenges? How are our governors and legislators collaborating with our traditional leaders to address the issues within our region? Given that some of our community members may contribute to the challenges we face, what actions are we (leaders and stakeholders) taking to address these negative trends?
“Have our parents, religious leaders, and elites initiated awareness campaigns to educate our people about the importance of self-defense and self-preservation? Additionally, we must recognize that illegal mining by foreigners, sometimes involving our own people, is occurring in some states. What local strategies are being implemented to tackle this issue?” Osuman stated.
In support of the objectives of the League of Northern Democrats (LND), the ACF chairman noted that these goals have been established in response to the deteriorating conditions in Northern Nigeria—an area afflicted by chronic poverty, illiteracy, religious and ethnic conflicts, unemployment, insecurity, and the collapse of critical institutions.
“The decreasing political relevance of our region within the broader Nigerian nation-state is also a serious concern that the League seeks to address,” he concluded.